Our Work
Our Work
Our Outreaches
Our Burnaby Safe House
Second stage accommodation in a safe, confidential location for abused women and for vulnerable pregnant women. Negotiable room & board rates. Directed by live-in house coordinators.
Crisis Pregnancy Centres
- Vancouver & Richmond
- Burnaby & New Westminster
Help for women and teen girls experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Offers pregnancy tests, information on pregnancy, abortion procedures & risks, and life-affirming alternatives to abortion. We also offer prenatal instruction, parenting support, donated maternity and baby clothes, and friendship.
In addition, Sexual Integrity Education presentations are available for high schools and youth groups. Our curriculum includes abstinence education, respectful dating relationships, and healthy sexuality.
OnlineCare Canada
A nation-wide, web service providing crisis pregnancy and post abortion grief support. Our secure site enables confidential communication between peer counsellors and clients who cannot access a pregnancy support agency or an abortion recovery program in their community.
Post Abortion Community Services
Individual counselling, support groups, and abortion recovery retreats are offered to those grieving from a past abortion. Workshops, comprehensive training programs, and consultation to health care professionals, clergy, and counsellors are also available.
Rape Victims Support Network
Provides peer counselling services and practical help to those victimized by rape: sexual assault recovery counselling, advocacy, and referrals. A consortium of professional and lay counselling outreaches.
The Nest Maternity Home
Residential care for women who are pregnant without affordable housing, abandoned by a partner or family, or leaving an abusive relationship. Available for vulnerable pregnant women, province wide.
(Website coming soon)
**The Nest Video**
Outreaches Video
Watch the brief video below to learn more about our outreaches.
**Outreaches Video**
Cause and Effect Video
How we ‘see’ people affects how we treat people. It’s cause and effect. If you don’t see the beauty and value in another person, it’s easy to treat them like an object. But imagine the effect if we saw every other person as equally amazing, equally important, equally valuable. Imagine how things might change.
**Cause and effect Video**
Focus on Life Video
Focus On Life 20th Anniversary – Video
Some 20 years of collaboration compiled into 200 seconds!
We co-founded Focus On Life with Signal Hill and the Archdiocese of Vancouver.
During 20 years of collaboration, we created life-changing media on the value of life, the vulnerable, and compassionate care for pregnant and port abortion women.
Our charity helped co-found Pregnancy Care Canada. This national best practice association equips and encourages crisis pregnancy centres, and assists in the development of new centres.
**Focus on Life Video**
Your Pregnancy & Informed Consent Video
Our educational video – on options and informed consent – is informative, non-inflammatory, evidence-based, and medically accurate. Our content was reviewed by more than 45 specialized practitioners in Canada, including perinatal nurses, family physicians, obstetricians/gynaecologists, medical ethicists, psychologists and social workers.
This valuable ‘take home’ resource is available via USBs and online for thousands of women and men nationwide seeking help from crisis pregnancy centres. To date, some 20,000 guests.
**Your pregnancy and informed consent video**
To consider a gift to the work of our charity, please click below. Thank you for helping us provide counselling and resources to those in crisis.