Called to Care for
Women in Crisis
We offer compassionate support, resources, and education for women experiencing unexpected pregnancy, post abortion stress, domestic abuse, and sexual assault.
✓ Welcoming Everyone
✓ Compassionate Care
✓ Upholding Life
Disconnection Magnifies Pain & Trauma
Many people face the impact of an unexpected pregnancy, past abortion, domestic abuse, and sexual assault alone.
The sense of isolation and grief in their circumstances contributes to silently carrying these burdens with little help, strength, and encouragement.
We believe this does not need to be their reality.
Quality Care and Resources Create Possibilities for a Hope-filled Future
At CAS, we give unconditional and confidential support to those facing an unexpected pregnancy, post abortion stress, domestic abuse, and sexual assault. Our staff endeavour to listen attentively and respond compassionately.
Counsel, resources, and education are provided to guide each person’s journey, giving them the strength to build a hope-filled life for themselves and future generations.
Doing Justice. Loving Mercy.
Through the following ministries, we provide peer counselling, resources, education, and practical support for individuals and families journeying toward a healthier present and future.
Real Connections. Real Community.

Burnaby Safe House
A second-stage shelter for women and children leaving unsafe and abusive situations.

Cedar Pregnancy Care Centre
Support and resources for navigating an unexpected pregnancy.

Post Abortion Community Support
Peer counselling and support for women and men experiencing stress and grief after an abortion.

Rape Victims Support Network
Counselling and care for women who have been sexually assaulted.

Educational presentations on sexual integrity and healthy relationships for students and young adults.

Online peer counselling and help for unexpected pregnancy or post abortion stress.

The Nest Maternity Home
Pre and post-natal support for expectant women in a community living home.

Reach Out Today!
Our Vision: Every Member of the Human Family Welcomed, Respected, Upheld.
How we see people affects how we treat people. Imagine if we saw people as equally amazing, equally important, equally valuable. Imagine how things may change.
22,500+ Lives Impacted by Care and Compassion Since 1989
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, thousands of women in crisis find a safe, respectful environment and the encouragement to pursue a healthy future.
Partner with us in Affirming Life & Bringing Hope
Gifts from the Christian community help make our services accessible to clients, often free of charge.

We invite you to join with us in praying for hope, healing, reconciliation, and restoration for each person who connects with our ministries. Pray too that every human life, from the unborn to the elderly, will be honoured as unique and thus of utmost value.

Volunteers who uphold our faith values are key assets to our charity. Our non-judgmental support is a reflection of Jesus’ love for the hurting and vulnerable. If your heart is stirred over “Doing Justice and Loving Mercy”, please connect with us.

Your gifts provide invaluable care for the women and families we serve. We are funded by the Christian community, individual donors, foundations and through fundraisers. Thank you for partnering with us to affirm these lives through hope and healing.
Restoring Hope is the First Step of Healing
It’s not hard to imagine the pain and despair faced by those experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or abuse trauma. The overwhelming feelings of hopelessness are compounded for those with limited support.
Responding to women and their families with the help and resources they need is complex, which is why CAS has dedicated over three decades to offering emotional and practical support.
Following Christ’s example, we serve those in need with care and compassion. Our staff, volunteers and supporters uphold life, dignity and healing through specialized ministries equipped to come alongside women facing distress and isolation.
- Burnaby Safe House
- Cedar Pregnancy Care Centre
- Post Abortion Community Services
- Rape Victims Network
- OnlineCare
- The Nest Maternity Home
- S.H.A.R.E. (Sexual Health and Relationship Education)
CAS extends a lifeline of hope to the weary and vulnerable through our ministries, but we can’t do it alone. Partner with us through prayer, serving or giving financially. You can be a part of replacing shame and isolation with hope and healing. Together we will help women reclaim their dignity, life and ultimately, their futures.